Shoulders & Pompoms: Summer's Best Accessories

dress (similar here) // hat (similar) // sunnies // bag (similar) // c/o pompom sandals (on sale!) // lipstick

What are summer's biggest accessories? Shoulders and pompoms, of course. Both seem to be everywhere at the moment. I have a love/hate relationship with off-the-shoulder dresses and tops. I love the look but it means wearing a strapless bra, which, for girls with big boobs, is kind of an uncomfortable nightmare.

But this white lace dress was too gorgeous to resist, so I braved the strapless bra. Fortunately, I have found a good one, well as good as a strapless bra can get. Despite the mediocre reviews online, I find this strapless and convertible bra very supportive and flattering (although not the most comfortable thing in the world).

My second favorite thing about this look is the pompom sandals. So fun and playful for summer and currently on sale! I was pleasantly surprised by the quality and comfort of these sandals. Expect to see a lot of these for the rest of the summer.

This look is as close as I could get to a fourth of July look from the contents of my suitcase. Sadly, I have not been in the US for the 4th for almost a decade now. I still miss the fireworks and barbecues, but I will indulge in a little Americana today at Mama's Bakery. Mama's Bakery is the only American bakery/cafe in Florence where you can actually get American coffee and fresh bagels. It's no patriotic picnic with fireworks, but it will do.

Happy 4th!



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