She Serves Champagne with Pizza

hat (similar) // dress (black version here) // sunnies // bag (similar) // sandals // lip

The Villa Cora is a stunning 19th century palace that sits just outside the historic center of Florence on the edge of the Boboli Gardens. Today, the estate is a stunning and luxurious 5-star hotel and spa.

The villa's estate and grounds are gorgeous, the service spectacular, and the pool is a dream during the summer. In addition to being one of the premiere luxury hotels in Florence, the villa hosts a variety of fun special events, like pool-side pizza and champagne every Thursday evening (during the summer). So if you can't afford to stay in the Villa Cora, you can indulge your inner Kate Spade and enjoy some amazing gourmet pizza and champagne in an incredible setting for the evening.

I don't love getting dolled up in the heat. But I couldn't show up to the Villa Cora looking like a slob now could I? I went with this light-weight cotton dress from Modcloth. This dress is so easy to wear, dark so it does not show sweat, and the collar detail dresses it up a bit. It's one of those perfect dresses for travel.

You can learn more about the Villa Cora here.


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