Roman Holiday

Look 1: dress // sneakers 
Look 2: dress // hat (similar) // sunnies // purse // sandals // lipstick

I cannot believe that the summer abroad program I was working with is over and that it is already almost July! Where does the time go? I guess what they say is true, time flies when you are having fun. These pictures are from the final weekend of our program, which we spent in Rome. I am actually back in Rome now to do some research sans students, but more on that later.

We only had two and a half days to see the highlights of Rome, which is not an easy task! As I have said before, Rome is a difficult city to really appreciate in a couple days (you can read some of my tips for seeing the softer side of Rome here). Of course, we hit all of the big sights in rapid succession -- The Colosseum, Roman Forum, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, Pantheon, St Peter's Basilica, and the Vatican Museums.

Despite our limited time, I did try to add something other than just one big site after another. I took the group to the Capuchin bone church (which is always a crowd pleaser) and we did a really fun Baroque art gelato crawl. Although Rome has more than 2,000 years of history to experience, the city you see today is a Baroque city. We crawled our way from baroque church, to baroque sculpture/fountain, to baroque painting with strategic gelato tastings along the way (three to be exact) to reenergize our spirits and bodies. It was a lot of art and a lot of gelato but I think it gave the students a deeper appreciation of the city. At least I hope it did anyway. I plan on sharing this crawl on the blog soon!

If you find yourself visiting Rome with limited time, here are my tips for conquering Rome in two days.


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