Popular Free Stage Play Scripts for Kids, Children, Child Actors

"Beauty IS a Beast" Children's Comedy - f15-25 speaking parts with more possible extra parts as well (run time: 50-60 minutes)

"Snow White and the 7 Kachus"

This Freedrama.net play features our website mascot the Kachu! Kachus can been found all over the website... on the Freedrama title... acting out some of the plays in pictures... but now you can see these cute little birds in action in a quest for their favorite food... cupcakes! They make friends with Snow White (who makes the best cupcakes ever) and help save her from the evil Queen who wants to stop her from making these treats which give her a tummy ache.

"The Pint Sized Pirate"

The story of a small pirate with big dreams. The Pint Sized Pirate goes on a quest to save the pirates who have been captured by a sea monster. (both male and female lead versions available)

Find more free plays for kids at http://freedrama.net/child.html

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