Duologues 2 actor free play scripts and skits - popular, new, original

Duologues are an excellent way to practice your acting skills with another actor. An important skill to develop as an actor is listening.

When working with another actor, it is important to listen to them. Not only is it important to know your cue line (the line that comes before yours) but it makes for a better performance if you react to the other actor's emotions as well. Pay attention to what the other actor is saying, how they say it and the actions they make. Then look closely at your lines and decide how you should react. What would be a logical emotion to have in response? How should you move in response to the other actor's movements? And how should you say your line in reaction to the other actor?

Trusting the other actor is important as well. Below are some good two actor scripts to practice developing your teamwork skills with a partner. Below are several scenes for two actors. Or you can use these links if you would like a...




"Call for Help" scene for 2 male actors from Death of an Insurance Salesman ISBN-13: 978-1518665547

"Crowdfunding (How to Start a Part Time Posse)" funny skit for 2 actors - NEW!

"Looks Get in the Way" A short romantic comedy for two actors. (1 male and 1 female) adapted from the play "The Weird, Wild and Wonderful Days of School" ISBN-13: 978-1482739626 or film version

"Underdog (aka Fight Me)" - comedy for two actors (2 males with possible non-speaking female extras) adapted from the play "The Ghosts of Detention" ISBN-13: 978-1499111309

"Brother Makeover" non-romantic scene for two actors (male and female)  (1 m 1 f) from the published play "A Little Private Education" ISBN-13: 978-1532853111 

"One Way or Another" A short play for two actors (one man, one woman) adapted from the play "The Weird, Wild and Wonderful Days of School" ISBN-13: 978-1482739626

"Lincoln Jefferson Jones" play script for two teen actresses (2 F) from the play "Flowers in the Desert" ISBN-13: 978-1494806217

"The Last Can" A short play about two people in love... at the end of the world... with only one can of food left. (for 1 male and 1 female). From the published play "When Mel Fell for Nell" ISBN-13: 978-1512007183

"A Sacrifice" - Short Drama- 2 actors (2 female) adapted from the scene "Grace" from the play "Secrets of my Soul" ISBN-13: 978-1493533589

"Gossip" - Short Comedy - 2-5 more actors (adult version or teen version) - Teen version is published in "The Weird, Wild and Wonderful Days of School" ISBN-13: 978-1482739626

"Confession" - drama for two actors from play "Holy Ground" ISBN-13:978-1502875990

"Falling Away From You" - drama for two actors about being away from each other (1 male 1 female) from the play "When Mel Fell for Nell" ISBN-13: 978-1512007183 

"A Werewolf in my Bed" short comedy play for two actors (1 m 1 f)  from the play "Between Good and Evil" ISBN-13: 978-1502982308 

"Midnight of the Soul" Scene A - Short Drama- 2 actors (1 male, 1 female) ISBN-13: 978-1523724512

"Midnight of the Soul" Scene B - Short Drama- 2 actors (2 female) ISBN-13: 978-1523724512

"Deadly Fighting Princess"- Short Comedy - 2 actors - 1 female and 1 male or female from the play "Holka Polka" ISBN-13: 978-1502445490

"Fight the Machine"- Short Romantic Comedy - 2 actors - 1 female and 1 male from the play "My William Shatner Man Crush" ISBN-13: 978-1505910155

"Munch My Macho Taco"- Short Comedy Skit - 2 actors - 1 male and 1 female from the play "My William Shatner Man Crush" ISBN-13: 978-1505910155

"The Boogie Man" 2 actors (1m 1f) from Death of an Insurance Salesman ISBN-13: 978-1518665547

"Gone With The Flush" duologue for 2 males by D. M. Larson from the published play “A Little Private Education” ISBN-13: 978-1532853111

"Hey Baby Let's Polka" comedy scene for 2 actors from the published play “A Little Private Education” ISBN-13: 978-1532853111

"Don't Sacrifice Yourself" environmental themed duologue for 2 actors from published play "Why Don't They Care What Happens to the Earth?" ISBN-13: 9781533224668

Art by Shiela Larson (http://kachumi.deviantart.com/)

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