Science Mugs

On Friday I came across Corie Lok's blog who announces the "Nerdiest Science Mug Competition" and offers a DNA strand with the names of faculty members. Brian Clegg adds a global warming mug, and Bob O'Hara contributes a mug from the Metapopulation Research Group (website). I can't quite keep up with so much nerdiness, but I found my mug from the String Pheno 2004 in my husband's kitchen. Here it is:

Looks like a black hole but if one fills in hot coffee it reveals...

A Calabi-Yau manifold. (Seems to be essentially the same picture as this.) And here is the backside, just for completeness.

My favourite mug is actually my PI mug, black and stylish.

So what's your nerdy mug? (Blogger doesn't allow images in the comments but you can leave links.)

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